Super Mario Galaxy is a 3D adventure game with a large, open world environment to move around and developed by Nintendo for the Wii consoles in 2007. Since the game released, it has been played by over millions gamers and stays in the first position of best games for Wii for a long long time. I played this game in 2009 and it has been one year, before the Super Mario Galaxy 2 release out , I am going to talk about it why I thick Super Mario Galaxy is a canon game. I can tell you first directly reason is it is always stay in the first position on Rated Wii games by official magazine AUS & NZ—Nintendo.
The story of the game is still a classic content that Bower has kidnapped Princess Peach and taken her castle into space. Our hero, Mario, try to rescue Princess Peach from the game’s super antagonist, Bower. Mario needs to beat the Bower’s army with all new enemies. At the same time, Mario collects the Stars needed to save Princess Peach. What different this time is the battle moved from ground into space. So as a result, we can find many new movements that never saw before on Mario and have more fun.
Another reason that I choose this game is a canon game is it has dynamic movements for Mario. Except normal running, jumping and collecting, we can find out any other exciting movements like advanced jumping, spinning, grabbing and shooting star bits, special moves, star rings and star capturing.
Moreover, when some creatures run away into space with Princess Peach, Mario gives hunt, exploring bizarre planets by travelling across the galaxy. When he flies in the space, Mario can complete mind-bending jumps unlike anything he has done before. He also has a variety of new movements that are all based on tilting, pointing and shaking the Wii Remote.
I am going to describe two new special moves. One of them is star capturing. When I first time use this moves, it gave me a totally fresh air. Actually this moves we have played in many games. But the game uses different way to express. For example, in the game, Just cause, the character has a machine arm
The player gains a new ability early in this game, known as the "Spinning" technique. In most famous Super Mario games, Mario always jumps to attack enemies or throw something to hit enemies. In Super Mario Galaxy, the new Spin is primarily used for attacks, as it can make enemies stun and shatters objects, and is used to activate special move called "Sling Stars" or "Launch Stars" that launch Mario across long distances. The Spin is also used for climbing vines, ice-skating, unscrewing bolts, and activating many power-ups.
The last but not least, Mario can achieve grabbing and shooting star bits. By pressing B, players can fire a Star Bit. When enemies are hit by a Star Bit, they are stunned and can be defeated with a touch, releasing Star Bits. Mario can also defeat most enemies by jumping on them as a classic move, which will create a healing coin.
Mario has a dynamic look in this game. Except classic appearance plumper’ cloth, we can also find out Bee Mario, Ice Mario, Boo Mario and Fire Mario. We never find such variety of appearances in previous Mario games. With different appearances, Mario is given different abilities. Mario can fly over the space, skiing over ice and shoot fire.
Even after finishing everything in a level, however, there still are plenty of reasons to go back to it. At random times a comet will land on a planet, offering you a difficult new challenge in exchange for a star.
Additionally, you’ll sometimes get letters from Luigi that telling you he’s gotten lost and giving you a picture of his location with leaving you to discover where in the game he is by yourself. While only 60 stars are required to go to the centre of space and fight Bowser there are 120 in total same as in Super Mario 64. The difficulty of the second half of stars ramps up considerably compared to the relatively easy first group. Some stars take ten minutes to find. This means that the casual player or young child will be able to complete the core game, but the enthusiast may spend weeks unlocking every bonus level and getting every single star and beating the next-to-impossible Trial Galaxies.
All in all, Super Mario Galaxy will be Canon game.
1739_John MEDIA 3.A
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Super Mario 64 for Canon Game
By Next 2 Generation
I played this game for about 3 weeks. During these 3 weeks, I have found lots of fun and exciting experience on playing game. This game released in 1996 in Japan. It is a long time ago, but nowadays the game still bring me indulging in adventuring the Mario world and listen to the familiar music.
It’s me, Mario….
After get into the game, Mario stands in a 3D world and I can move my hero forward, backward and turn left or right. Maybe this is not a exciting point in modern world. But image it is 14 years ago, players never touch any 3D games, wow… what you think? You can not only make Mario jump forward and backward just like “Super Mario Bro”, and also Mario can fly all over the world as well as run around enemies.
Makes me more interested is I have two views can choose, one view is Mario and another one is LAKITU a lovely tortoise fly with a cloudy. This function was created by Nintendo. It looks like some current games that can transfer between first person view and third person view.
But the views also make player’s controlling more difficult. When player uses Mario view, the camera cannot follow the Mario exactly thus result in mistakes. For example, when Mario crosses a wood board, player cannot control Mario to go straight and have to adjust the directions again and again.
The graphic of the game is simple and beautiful. Low polygon count, extremely colourful and huge. Game was designed by excellent animation and good frame rates. The worlds are filled with enemies that attack Mario as well as friendly creatures that provide information. You can find most of the famous Mario game characters and they are all re-created by 3D technology.
Game story and play
The main line is traditional story like other Mario games: Mario fright for enemies and finally save princess Peach life. Even though the story is old, the details are attracted for players. The player control Mario jump into different levels. The story occurs in Peach castle. Mario in order to save Peach must collect stars to open the locked gates and beat the boss. Like many previous Mario games, you must explore everything, leave no rock unturned, no mushroom mute, no door unopened.
In the castle, there are many gates which are locked and a star number printed on the doors. Mario must collect enough stars to open these gates to get in room and jump into the picture hang on the room wall. Every picture stands for one level.
This is a bright point of this game. Because it is not like other previous games, use a small scene to represent the main scene and every picture brings Mario into another totally different world. Some story occurred in land, some of them under the ocean and even into outer space. Player can get various game experiences as well as be free to wander a closed world in all directions and discover the environment without time limits.
In each level, Mario must collect stars as many as possible. There are many ways to achieve the goals. Player can beat boss, collect all red coins or yellow coins and some uncontemplated ways such as release the chain chomp by pounding on the stake beneath the red coin. Expect the level stars amount is 120; Mario can also collect 15 secret stars.
Some levels have special boxes which contain power-ups. The Wing box allows Mario to fly; the Metal box makes him immune to most damage, allows him to withstand wind, walk underwater; and the Vanish box renders him partially immaterial and allows him to walk through some obstacles such as line network, as well as surrendering immunity to some forms of damage.
Closing comment
As a whole, Super Mario is a successful canon game for players on video game history. It was the best-selling Nintendo 64 game. The challenging experience of working toward each new level is far greater than the game's minimum flaws.
Last but not least word: Mamma Mia…
Reference --02/04/2010 --03/04/2010 --07/04/2010
---------------------------Presentations Script------------------------------------
J: How are u doing, Mario.
M: thank you very much, John. Mamamia. My pleasure to be here talking with you.
J: No doubt, no doubt. My pleasure.
M: Thank you very much.
J: there's dozen of things they want to know about. Let us start talking about a fantistic project Super
Mario 64 from Nitendo. Lots of players have played this game since released in 1996. So what
makes this game special?
M: thats lots of game out there study me, Mario. But they know Super Mario si the best from best. this is
my first new 3D platform game since the day. Back to the day, I feel free warnding all my mushroom
kingdom. I got try some new sweet moves. And since playing game, players can choose two camera
views. My friend LAKITU will take camera around me.
J: what's move you mean?
M: first of all, I'd like to do all my classic mives like jumping, collecting coins and pounding on the
stake. more funning is I can fly with wings. I can even do all sort of cool cool crazy jumps like
deeper jump and wall jump.
J: So what is the game destination?
M: Bower keeps napping princess Peach and Mario keeps busy to save her.
J: she is getting napping double lot.
M: Mamamia, I think it is time for all of us to get a better security system for the castle. When
somethings happen, it is getting cool cool crazy, but at least, keep Mario busy.
J: what are other advantures the players find in the Super Mario 64?
M: Well, they get me fight dozen of enermies, plus we gonna busy all of locations. sometimes, Mario
swimming under the water, sometimes Mario running through desert. Even flying in the sky.
J: you are always a busy man.
M: Thank you guys. Sonic just call me. See you next time. remember me: It's me, Mario.....
It’s me, Mario….
Super Mario 64 is a 3D platform game for the Nintendo 64 game console made by Nintendo. As we all know, Mario is a super hero in Nintendo series games. And at this time, Shigeru Miyamoto who is the father of Mario put the hero on 3D modelling first time. As I first play this game, the start scene is a big head of Mario and I can drag the head to any directions to make any shapes. Through this function, at the beginning of the game, player has been deeply attracted by ever played experience. How cool a game I can see Mario in 360 degrees.
Graphic and controllingAfter get into the game, Mario stands in a 3D world and I can move my hero forward, backward and turn left or right. Maybe this is not a exciting point in modern world. But image it is 14 years ago, players never touch any 3D games, wow… what you think? You can not only make Mario jump forward and backward just like “Super Mario Bro”, and also Mario can fly all over the world as well as run around enemies.
Makes me more interested is I have two views can choose, one view is Mario and another one is LAKITU a lovely tortoise fly with a cloudy. This function was created by Nintendo. It looks like some current games that can transfer between first person view and third person view.
But the views also make player’s controlling more difficult. When player uses Mario view, the camera cannot follow the Mario exactly thus result in mistakes. For example, when Mario crosses a wood board, player cannot control Mario to go straight and have to adjust the directions again and again.
The graphic of the game is simple and beautiful. Low polygon count, extremely colourful and huge. Game was designed by excellent animation and good frame rates. The worlds are filled with enemies that attack Mario as well as friendly creatures that provide information. You can find most of the famous Mario game characters and they are all re-created by 3D technology.
Game story and play
The main line is traditional story like other Mario games: Mario fright for enemies and finally save princess Peach life. Even though the story is old, the details are attracted for players. The player control Mario jump into different levels. The story occurs in Peach castle. Mario in order to save Peach must collect stars to open the locked gates and beat the boss. Like many previous Mario games, you must explore everything, leave no rock unturned, no mushroom mute, no door unopened.
In the castle, there are many gates which are locked and a star number printed on the doors. Mario must collect enough stars to open these gates to get in room and jump into the picture hang on the room wall. Every picture stands for one level.
This is a bright point of this game. Because it is not like other previous games, use a small scene to represent the main scene and every picture brings Mario into another totally different world. Some story occurred in land, some of them under the ocean and even into outer space. Player can get various game experiences as well as be free to wander a closed world in all directions and discover the environment without time limits.
In each level, Mario must collect stars as many as possible. There are many ways to achieve the goals. Player can beat boss, collect all red coins or yellow coins and some uncontemplated ways such as release the chain chomp by pounding on the stake beneath the red coin. Expect the level stars amount is 120; Mario can also collect 15 secret stars.

Closing comment
As a whole, Super Mario is a successful canon game for players on video game history. It was the best-selling Nintendo 64 game. The challenging experience of working toward each new level is far greater than the game's minimum flaws.
Last but not least word: Mamma Mia…
Reference --02/04/2010 --03/04/2010 --07/04/2010
---------------------------Presentations Script------------------------------------
J: How are u doing, Mario.
M: thank you very much, John. Mamamia. My pleasure to be here talking with you.
J: No doubt, no doubt. My pleasure.
M: Thank you very much.
J: there's dozen of things they want to know about. Let us start talking about a fantistic project Super
Mario 64 from Nitendo. Lots of players have played this game since released in 1996. So what
makes this game special?
M: thats lots of game out there study me, Mario. But they know Super Mario si the best from best. this is
my first new 3D platform game since the day. Back to the day, I feel free warnding all my mushroom
kingdom. I got try some new sweet moves. And since playing game, players can choose two camera
views. My friend LAKITU will take camera around me.
J: what's move you mean?
M: first of all, I'd like to do all my classic mives like jumping, collecting coins and pounding on the
stake. more funning is I can fly with wings. I can even do all sort of cool cool crazy jumps like
deeper jump and wall jump.
J: So what is the game destination?
M: Bower keeps napping princess Peach and Mario keeps busy to save her.
J: she is getting napping double lot.
M: Mamamia, I think it is time for all of us to get a better security system for the castle. When
somethings happen, it is getting cool cool crazy, but at least, keep Mario busy.
J: what are other advantures the players find in the Super Mario 64?
M: Well, they get me fight dozen of enermies, plus we gonna busy all of locations. sometimes, Mario
swimming under the water, sometimes Mario running through desert. Even flying in the sky.
J: you are always a busy man.
M: Thank you guys. Sonic just call me. See you next time. remember me: It's me, Mario.....
I played Mount Blade Warband this holiday. soooo cool
By Next 2 Generation
Before holiday, I download Mount Blade Warband from a crack website. At the begining, I thougt this game is not fun like tae's introduction. But during playing, I have been addition in the game. And also I find many exciting point about this game. At the same time, I doubt is this game really produced by 2 person?
I agreed that the graphic of the game is not perfect. There is not large and impressive environment in size, scope, or extent. But the texture of the actors and background are just right for the purpose. This part is the shortage of the game. I want to say more about the bright points.
When you first time start game, there is a welcome page, in this page you can find out the general story about the game and the following page you can chose the actor's background such as father's job, your experience.
This part is really creativity. The game put me back to medieval England. I can chose the experience that I like to be. With different choice, the gamg also start in different land.
Like most of RPG game, you can create your own charactors to suit your type. In this game, you can create charactor's hair, face, skin color and so on. Moreover, you can distrbute the skill points to different skills.
Before holiday, I download Mount Blade Warband from a crack website. At the begining, I thougt this game is not fun like tae's introduction. But during playing, I have been addition in the game. And also I find many exciting point about this game. At the same time, I doubt is this game really produced by 2 person?
The menu of the game
I agreed that the graphic of the game is not perfect. There is not large and impressive environment in size, scope, or extent. But the texture of the actors and background are just right for the purpose. This part is the shortage of the game. I want to say more about the bright points.
The welcome page
Father's job
This part is really creativity. The game put me back to medieval England. I can chose the experience that I like to be. With different choice, the gamg also start in different land.
Like most of RPG game, you can create your own charactors to suit your type. In this game, you can create charactor's hair, face, skin color and so on. Moreover, you can distrbute the skill points to different skills.
I like create a charactor same as myself.
Continue...Mario Kart Wii
By Next 2 Generation
This is my first time use a record video made by myself for favourtie game. In this video, I introduce to guys a awaresome wii game called Mario Kart Wii. This game released in 2008 and soon become popular around players which were included mario super fans. I first tried this game since last year and have played almost one year.
This game include such features:
Online play-- Acturally, my most of matches played online with all around world players
drive as your Mii-- I put my Mii in my game
Ride a Motorbike
Mario Kart Channel-- You can find your score and position on the net
This video still have many place need to be improve and I will try harder to make better video.
This is my first time use a record video made by myself for favourtie game. In this video, I introduce to guys a awaresome wii game called Mario Kart Wii. This game released in 2008 and soon become popular around players which were included mario super fans. I first tried this game since last year and have played almost one year.
This game include such features:
Online play-- Acturally, my most of matches played online with all around world players
drive as your Mii-- I put my Mii in my game
Ride a Motorbike
Mario Kart Channel-- You can find your score and position on the net
This video still have many place need to be improve and I will try harder to make better video.
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